Thursday, December 4, 2008

Four. Ollie.

"Can we go get our Christmas tree today?"

(Absolutely. Zach isn't overly picky about trees. About fifteen times we heard, "Okay, this one. Yeah, let's just chop this one!" It's all about the chopping for that boy.)


Anonymous said...

- gotta love the lens flare + smile in that last one!

- we have bells on our doorknob, too - i'm totally using that hiding place!

- we haven't gotten our tree yet either - maybe tomorrow?

timpani76 said...

This is such a cute idea! Chop chop chop...

Anonymous said...

Is your tree "fluffery and hairy" this year?

Jeanette said...

I love it. The more I read the more I just love it. You are brilliant Amy. I love to see what you and your friend have done each day. When we have kids we are so going to cut down a tree each year. Too fun.